Steve McDermott

Chase your passion not your pension

Love what you do and do what you love.

Steve McDermott - Northern Soul Night
• Finlay McDermott (in braces) keeping the faith

Amid all the recent media attention on the public sector strikes and pensions there has been no mention of the other “P” word – PASSION.

The fact is most people hate their jobs, endlessly moan about the fact and can’t wait for retirement. What if you could be one of those rare individuals who are passionate about what you do? What difference would that make not just to you but to your colleagues, customers, family and friends?

3000 people rammed into the famous Blackpool Tower Ballroom for the Northern Soul Weekender 2011 including me and my 18 year old son Finlay. What a fantastic time we had. Now in the world of Northern Soul we have this saying “Keep the faith” and never have I seen it more in evidence than over that weekend…

Keep the faith

Everyone at the Northern Soul Weekender shares an absolute passion for the music and dancing. Some, like me, have had that passion burning for nearly 40 years others like Finlay for just a few. I saw several people who were still so passionate about the music that they got up to dance with the aid of a walking stick. Now just imagine if you could feel that passionate about your job? So here are some McThoughts to get you started…

Think about what job would make you leap out of bed in a morning.

Think about how you can turn your hobby into your job.

Think about what you would work at if you didn’t have to work.

Think about what really absorbs you. Ask yourself, ‘What am I doing when I feel most alive?’

Think about the question, ‘what do you feel is your greatest natural ability?’

Think about who you have been and who you would like to become rather than just
what you have done.

Think back to what you loved doing at seven years of age. Recent research indicates that successful adults often do something as a living that they enjoyed doing, and were good at, as a kid. So perhaps the Jesuits were right after all – give me the boy until he is seven and I’ll give you the man.

Think what you would dare do if you knew you couldn’t fail.

Think about the legacy you want to leave. Think about what you would want a letter to your grandchildren to say about the life you’ve led.

Think about not leaving your song unsung.

Think about the advice of the painter Ashley Jackson: ‘Years go by fast as Cats eyes on a motorway. The art of living is to make use of what you’ve got and use it to the full. Most people do not know what they are living for. But once you have found out, you have the jewel of life.’

Thanks to:
Photo by: John Barrett.
John has been passionately documenting the UK soul scene for several years. Click here to see more images: Soul Photos – Keeping The Faith.

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