Steve McDermott

McThought: Success on the Twitterverse

One goal, twelve months on and 517 followers

“Read how Steve McDermott’s savagely funny self-help book got me writing novels…” – Ben Wright (AKA @kjerros)
• Wow!! That sparked off some creative McThinking!

It’s amazing what you can discover about yourself on Twitter. (Thank you Ben for a great quote.) Following on, this ‘savagely funny’ line was a real unexpected bonus for motivational speaker and inspirational humorist Steve McDermott, soon to make its way onto all of Steve’s new marketing materials. Looking back this online success and offline transformation was achieved through choice not chance…

The power of reflection
The Confident Club Conference – January 14th 2011: @TheBulletman issued Steve McDermott a challenge. The goal was to get x500 Twitter followers within a year.

McThought: So HOW am I going to do that then? (Steve is McThinking here).

Well tweeps, by January 13th 2012 @SteveMcThinking had 517 followers on the Twitterverse. Result! Not bad for someone born in 1950’s who didn’t even know what a blog was or how to do a ‘Tweet’ twelve months ago. This goal also coincided with the official launch of Steve McDermott’s new image and website at the Confident Club conference – The Ladder of Success.

So how did he do all this? Initially Steve asked for HELP, made a commitment and then stepped up to the challenge. Then when he got stuck (only 133 Twitter followers in October 2011) he got some more help and advice! All hands to do the deck…

Twelve months on Steve has an online presence he is really happy with. (Sharper, slicker and dare I say inspiring even more confidence in Steve?) One unexpected bonus (with an accompanying Twitter strategy) is the discovery of online content about yours truly, such as that very Tweet Steve found which was posted on November 29th 2011 by Ben Wright…

RT @kjerros: Read how @stevemcthinking Steve McDermott’s savagely funny self-help book got me writing novels… click here.

McThought: Like it… Take online content and milk it – Tweetabix!

Credits and links:
Article and blog post, image makeover and branding by The Bulletman.
Thanks to Liz Cable and Reach Further (Leeds) for their help and support on Twitter.

Follow Steve on Twitter – click here.
To read the article about Steve’s book on Ben Wright’s blog click here.
Steve’s book – How to be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work and Everything.
For more quotes and Steve’s testimonials please click here.

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